
Please contact us if you have questions about applying to Communication, Culture, and Technology or would like to speak with a current student or faculty member about the program.

Ai-Hui headshot

Ai-Hui Tan

Director of Academic Affairs

Contact me if you have questions about academic policies and procedures, course scheduling, degree requirements, or registration.

Email Ai-Hui

Elizabeth Clark

Director of Student Outreach

Contact me if you have any questions about the program, admissions, the application process or the CCT buddy program.

Email Elizabeth
Kunjika Pathak Headshot

Kunjika Pathak

Communications Assistant

Contact me if you have any questions about the program, alumni contacts, events and website profiles.

My favorite thing about CCT is the sense of community.

Email Kunjika
Headshot of Riley Tinlin

Riley Tinlin

Communications and Content Creation Assistant

Contact me if you have any questions about the program, social media content, website features and profiles.

My favorite thing about CCT is getting to learn from both the faculty and my peers! Because these is such a wide range of interests within the program, I’m always being introduced to new perspectives to consider.

Email Riley

Jade Silverstein

Communications Assistant

Contact me if you have any questions about the program and alumni profile updates.

Email Jade