Kasia Podbielski, G’10

Headshot of Kasia Podbielski, CCT Alum.

Kasia Podbielski

Undergraduate institution and major: University of Puget Sound, International Political Economy.

Area of focus in CCT: Media and politics courses with a focus on cultural diplomacy. I took many classes outside of the CCT program including those from International Business Diplomacy and the School of Foreign Service. 

What activities did you participate in during CCT? I was the Events and Social Media Coordinator for the program and a peer reviewer for gnovis. 

What are you doing now? After graduating from CCT, I took a job in the Office of Innovative Engagement (OIE) in the Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP) at the Department of State where I advised embassies on the strategic use of social media, produced weekly web chats, partnered with tech companies and was project manager for the video team. I am currently a Project Manager at NPR where I work on the Editorial Training team whose mission is to strengthen NPR and Member Station journalists’ craft on air and online. Outside of work, I play the cello with the Symphony Orchestra of Northern Virginia.