
CCT Adjunct Faculty Amy Zalman at the Wiley Society Executive Seminar

CCT Adjunct Faculty Irene Wu

Dr. Amy Zalman, CCT adjunct faculty and founder of the Strategic Narrative Institute, provided the opening keynote for the Wiley Society Executive Seminar What if? Imagining the Future of Research Communications at the Newseum in Washington DC on June 22.  Her presentation, “Using the Power of Uncertainty to Shape the Future,” proposed various ways that shifts in geopolitical power, communications technologies and changes in the human body in the next 30 years could affect the research communications community. For example, will shifts in power away from national governments and into private hands also shift how scientific research is funded and disseminated? Will a ubiquitously interactive media environment spell greater opportunities for collaboration between academic institutions, citizen scientists and research publications … or disrupt conventional flows and leave traditional journals out of the picture. And if workplace diversity is confusing now, think about how HR will deal with augmentation, smart tattoos, genetic enhancements, implants and smart drugs. Will affirmative action be required just to give “normal” people a shot at a job?

Dr. Zalman will teach the Foresight Methods and Practice course at CCT in Fall 2018.
