
Incoming class of 2013 learns all about CCT at the New Student Orientation

On Friday, August 24, new CCT students learned the ins and outs of the CCT Program while also learning more about each other at the New Student Orientation.

The morning was spent in picturesque Riggs Library as students heard from faculty, staff, and university services. After the early info session, students competed in a cutthroat photo scavenger hunt in which they were given assignments to complete around campus. Team CCT Yankee won the challenge by snapping the most photos.

CCT PhotoRace (speedier version) on Vimeo.

The photo scavenger hunt was followed by lunch and student introductions. Students shared basic information along with one interesting fact about themselves. These facts ranged from students making their own clothes to attending a Star Wars-themed wedding. Representatives from student organizations like gnovis also addressed the group.

The last official part of the day consisted of current CCT students leading their new colleagues on tours of the campus and answering questions.

Finally, after a busy day, new students, current students, faculty, staff and alumni all gathered for a reception on the Car Barn patio for a fun-filled evening of further learning more about one another.

To see access our Facebook and see all of the pictures from the day, click here.