
CCT Professors and Students Attend 41st Telecommunications Policy Research Conference

The 41st Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy (TPRC) took place September 27-29, 2013 at the George Mason University School of Law in Arlington, VA. It is an annual forum for researchers from academia, industry, government, and nonprofit organizations to discuss communication, information and Internet policy and to interact with policy makers and the private sector.

CCT Professors Meg Leta Ambrose and Irene Wu presented at conference panels. On Saturday during the noon session, Assistant Professor Meg Leta Ambrose presented her paper “Speaking of Forgetting: Analysis of Possible Non-EU Responses to the Right to Be Forgotten and Speech Exception” at the panel on Media, IP, Privacy & Security. Adjunct Professor Irene Wu presented at the Competition and Innovation panel with her paper “Take Your Phone Number with You! Explaining the Diffusion of Number Portability Policy Across Nations”.

Eight CCT students were sponsored to attend the TPRC Conference on behalf of the CCT department. Here is what a few of the students commented on Twitter:

Are countries rich because they have broadband, or are rich countries building broadband? The causality discussion continues. #TPRC41
Lucas Regner, CCT ’14

20% of ICT R&D in #China is carried out by foreign firms. Flashbacks to @georgetowncct Geneva Program: @WTO trade in service modes! #TPRC41
Tyler Lopez, CCT ’15

1/5 people have mobile internet simply because it came w plan. So much potential energy to harness #TPRC41
Andrew Postal, CCT ’15

Excited! Wrote a paper on “big data and trade” this listening to Dr. Michael Mandel talk abt “Data trade & growth” #TPRC41
Sagorika Sen, CCT ’14

Final day of #TPRC41. It’s essentially a thesis idea generator with networking opportunities. Every @GeorgetownCCT first year should go.
Stevie Chancellor, CCT’ 14