Sylvester Placid, G’07

Sylvester Placid, G’07
Undergraduate institution and major: George Mason University, Communication.
Area of focus in CCT: Network Theory, Globalization, International Development, Knowledge Management, Media, and Technology.
What did you do before CCT? My undergraduate focuses were public relations, journalism, media analysis, rhetoric, and interpersonal and intercultural communication. I was a member of Lambda Pi Eta, the National Communication Association honor society. I worked for Apple as a campus representative, marketing communication intern, and retail specialist.
What activities did you participate in during CCT? I worked in CCT as an admissions assistant and teaching assistant.
Why did you choose CCT? The interdisciplinary nature of the program, the interesting concentrations, and the institutional proximity of Georgetown to rich resources in media, international development, globalization, politics, and business.
What are you doing now? Where are you based? I am the Communications Manager for NASA IT services at Leidos. After graduating from CCT, I worked in management consulting, aerospace, and IT, and taught courses in Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication and Public Speaking at George Mason University.
What aspects of CCT have helped guide your career path? Applying network theory to understand the interconnected nature of everything, from global events to daily life. The ability to approach my goals and objectives while anticipating unintended consequences is a life skill I learned in CCT. One of my most rewarding career experiences was working in knowledge management, taxonomy, and metadata for an international development firm. That opportunity would not have been possible without my CCT coursework in those fields.