Teddy Wansink (G’26)
Two things stood out to me about CCT: its genuine sense of community, and its dedication to encouraging curiosity. Now that I’m in the program, I can say that it’s not just marketing — CCT really does prioritize building a community of learners.

Teddy Wansink
Academic Background: B.A. in Film & Media Studies and French from the College of William & Mary
Area of focus in CCT: Looking at the moving image, especially digital video, from a variety of lenses, including critical theory, media history, and multimedia production.
What did you do before CCT? I worked as an educational video producer/editor for various clients, and I taught English in Madrid, Spain.
What activities do you participate in at CCT? I work full-time producing video for Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. Outside of work and school, I love to bike, go to concerts, and host movie nights.
Why did you choose CCT? As a Georgetown employee, I considered many programs at the university, but two things stood out to me about CCT: its genuine sense of community, and its dedication to encouraging curiosity. Now that I’m in the program, I can say that it’s not just marketing — CCT really does prioritize building a community of learners.
What surprised you about CCT? Because there is no undergraduate or PhD program, CCT professors truly are focused on working with students at the masters level. They give me a ton of individual attention and are willing to sit down with me whenever to help me optimize my two years here.