Yixiao (Joy) Song
Meet Joy, G’25
“The amount of networking events, bonding events, and guest speakers for students to get to know each other better and also access to more resources”

Yixiao (Joy) Song
Academic Background: Public Relation & Advertising and Minor in social Media Trend Analysis.
Area of focus in CCT: Health Communication & Digital Media Analysis.
What did you do before CCT? I worked as a PR account coordinator for a year in a health focused PR agency in Boston after graduating from the college.
What activities do you participate in at CCT? There are a lot networking and gathering events happened in the CCT. I went to the PRCC (public relations and Corporate communication) events couple times, and I really enjoy to meet up with more PR professionals in the DC.
Why did you choose CCT? The customized coursework at CCT can instill me a better framework to develop professional language to approach my audience in the public health. In addition to the flexibly of the course design, CCT program encourages students to grow interdisciplinary mindsets, deeply attracting me with a genuine interest in women’s health.
What surprised you about CCT? How close the cohort is! and the amount of networking events, bonding events, and guest speakers for students to get to know each other better and also access to more resources.