
William J. Vogt (CCT 2016) Founds Cultural Advisory Firm

William J. Vogt (2016) founds Weilian Poder Global ConsultinWilliam J. Vogt (2016) founds Weilian Poder Global ConsultingWill with his wife Megan Buchheit

Since graduating from CCT, Will Vogt (CCT 2016, SFS 2012) has gained valuable insight as a consultant in the political risk, cyber risk, and business continuity fields. Highlights have included leading a quality control negotiation team on a trip to China and meeting with senior information communication technology (ICT) and international development researchers in South Africa.

Building on these experiences, Will launched his own consulting firm, Weilian Poder Global Consulting. The company focuses on a range of services supporting clients’ relationships across international borders, from translation and cultural advising to business strategy development.

Outside of work, Will lives with his wife Megan Buchheit (CCT 2016) in New York. They are still searching for the perfect pizza and bagel in the city!

For more, see Will’s Alumni Profile. You can connect with Will directly on LinkedIn or Twitter at @wjvogt. Interested in learning more about Weilian Poder Global Consulting (including what’s behind the name)? Check out or the Twitter handle @weilianpoder.

For more, see Alumni Spotlight.
