
CCT Student Interviews President of the United Nations General Assembly (74th Session)

Evelyn Dan Epelle with President Tijjani Muhammad-Bande (UNGA 74) at Nigeria House, New York NY

In September, one of our very own CCTers had the incredible opportunity to host an exclusive interview with Tijjani Muhammad Bande, President of the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). The interview was conducted at the Nigerian Consulate in New York City and broadcasted by KAFTAN TV Nigeria.

The discussion addresses the various ways work has been impacted at the United Nations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the interview allows President Bande to speak on the successes and challenges with navigating his term as President of the UNGA 74th Session in such uncertain times. 

Reflecting on what this opportunity means to her, Evelyn thinks back to a year ago when Nigeria’s President, Muhammadu Buhari expressed gratitude to the General Assembly for the honor bestowed on the government and people of Nigeria, by electing a Nigerian national, to Presidency of the 74th Session. For her, it inspired an incredible sense of inclusion and visibility. 

Evelyn states; “as a Nigerian national and graduate student at Georgetown, this enkindled my interest in leadership. In the Fall 2019 semester, I applied for a Graduate Fellowship at UNA-NCA, and although unsuccessful, I learned about the significance of the United Nations, its unique missions, and policies.”

Evelyn attributes her preparedness to fulfill such a role not only to her own intellectual fervor and previous experience working as a Channel Manager with KAFTAN TV Nigeria, but also to the CCT program. Through CCT, Evelyn has had the opportunity to research changing information and communication technologies, carving a pathway in journalism and digital media to complement her professional media experience as a Channel Manager. In addition to Dr. Koliska’s Journalistic Content Production (CCTP-710) course, Evelyn has also taken Photo and Video Storytelling (MPJO-508) taught by Emmy award-winning photojournalist Jarrad Henderson. 

Evelyn attests; “both courses boosted my confidence and knowledge in the theory and practice of journalism.” On top of that, Evelyn expresses; “I am thrilled with the ease with which I now combine my skillset and look forward to more opportunities in this direction.”

Through a collaborative effort with CCT Alum, Kristi Pelzel (’20) who filmed the Live Chat, Evelyn successfully produced the piece of documentary media. It aired nationwide in Nigeria from September 23 – 30 on KAFTAN TV via StarTimes CH 124. 

To watch the interview, visit this link.