Welcome from the Director

Jeanine Turner, Director of the CCT Program
An explorer examines the unknown in a systematic way.
You are joining a collaborative diverse community focused on exploring complex problems by employing multiple, mixed method approaches and paths of discovery. Our origin traces back three decades to when the expansion of internet capacity gave rise to transformative changes in the way we learn, work, and live. We believed then and continue to understand that approaching complex challenges requires an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach and we care about creating space and support for students to explore these environments. Our faculty and students have continued to be at the forefront of researching and exploring the role technology plays as both a disruptor and an enabler in our lives, examining contexts like virtual worlds, artificial intelligence, hybrid workspaces, streaming media, digital identities, political socialization, and journalistic transparency. As one of the most innovative, interdisciplinary graduate programs in the world, we move beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries to explore complex problems that require innovative approaches and thoughtful reflection.
The continuous growth of digital capabilities continues to provide an exciting backdrop for learning and intellectual engagement. We all inhabit a dynamic and rapidly changing set of systems – political, social, economic, legal, cultural, interpersonal – that are affected by innovations in computing, the internet, and the digitization of communication. Instead of focusing on a specific discipline or content area, we provide the methods and frameworks to systematically examine problems that matter to you. Our alumni tell us that a CCT degree allows them to see problems and challenges from a variety of perspectives at a high level of abstraction while also being able to develop insights and solutions at a practical level.
The challenges of the past thirty years and the next three hundred require an understanding of how to examine a complex problem, form a compelling and focused research question, determine a method of exploration, and frame and answer. While the challenges may change, the need for a systematic approach is constant. Exploration requires calculated risks, stepping out of your comfort zone, and an openness to learn. We invite you to learn about the journeys our students and faculty have taken and consider your own journey! We look forward to being your guide!
Jeanine Turner, Ph.D.
Director, Communication, Culture & Technology Program
Annette N. Shelby Chair in Business & Leadership Communication
Georgetown University