Part-Time Enrollment

Hear From Our Part-Time Students

Siobhan Cooney headshot

“I also couldn’t do it without the support of my classmates and friends, both in my cohort and in other years. We all want everyone to get the most out of CCT, and that community keeps me going every day!”

More on Siobhan

“CCT has incredible professors who understand that part-time students have other obligations. The professors also recognize that each student brings a unique perspective to the classroom and makes sure to give space for student contributions”

More on Zach

“The academic structure of only having two core courses allows me to build the education and experience that I want out of CCT. I have the ability to take courses that are directly related to my field and also courses that are new and interesting to me. I am also able to research and complete projects on any topic I want to build my own portfolio of work to use in professional settings”

More on Grace

“Two factors led me to apply for CCT 1) There were a limited number of grad programs I could do part time while working full time ; 2) I’m working towards a career as a public diplomacy FSO, and CCT seemed like a good fit for me to develop my digital communications skills”

More on Laurie

Sample part-time program of study

All students in the program will take two core courses that are designed to build a strong foundation in the core concepts of the program while allowing for a full range of elective experiences. While the schedules of part-time students will vary depending on their specific needs, a sample part-time schedule for the first year is as follows.

Semester 1

CCTP-5005: Introduction to CCT: Interdisciplinary Problems and Methods (3 credits)

Elective: 3 credits

Semester 2

CCTP-5006: Fundamentals of Technology (3 credits)

Elective: 3 credits