CCTP 506 Website Projects

CCTP 506: Fundamentals of Technology Student Projects


CCT strives to investigate technology as a dynamic part of social life. We study how technology, communication, and culture shape human interaction. But to get the complete picture, we must also investigate technology itself. This course is about how to do that.

Automatic Transmission

Automatic Transmission


Digital Audio Recorder

Automatic Transmission


Google Transit

Google Transit





High-Pressure Sodium Bulbs

High-Pressure Sodium Bulbs


Instant Coffee

Instant Coffee


iRobot Vita

iRobot Vita


Keurig Coffee Machine

Keurig Coffee Machine


Mirena Intrauterine Device

Mirena Intrauterine Device


Projection Keyboard

Projection Keyboard


Roomba Vacuum

Roomba Vacuum


smartflower Solar Power

smartflower Solar Power


Telegraph Key

Telegraph Key


YouTube Recommendation System

YouTube Recommendation System