Archive: News
282 Articles
- News
Mark MacCarthy testifies before Congress on Student Privacy
CCT Adjunct Faculty member Mark MacCarthy is Vice President for Public Policy at the Software & Information Industry Association, a DC-based trade association representing…
August 14, 2014
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CCT Second-Year Publishes Article in Entrepreneur Blog
Startup tech hub 1776 , home of 200 DC-based startups in the energy, cities, health, and education spaces, published an article by CCT rising second-year Pamela Kaye. Part of her…
July 28, 2014
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CCT student wins the Judges Choice Award at the New Media Consortium Summer Conference
CCT student wins the Judges Choice Award at the New Media Consortium Summer Conference . Elad Meshulam (14) won the Judges Choice Award at the prestigious New Media Consortium…
July 1, 2014
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CCT Second-Year Reviews New Futuristic Novel
Second-year CCT student, Scott Eldridge recently completed his review of Dave Eggers’ futuristic novel, The Circle . This novel examines how…
June 26, 2014
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Real Presence: Challenges to Relationships and Spirituality in a Technological World
Featured event during John Carroll Weekend in San Francisco on Friday, April 29, 2011. Dr. Jeanine Turner, associate professor in the Department of Communication, Culture, and…
June 9, 2014
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GU-Q Hosts Technology and Media Program in Qatar
From May 18 to June 5 Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q) is hosting a graduate-level program called New Communication Technologies in the Arab World: Perspectives from the.…
May 29, 2014
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CCT students and faculty participate in Microsoft Innovation and Policy Center Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Can anything your robot says be used against you in a court of law? What values in design can be built into intelligent systems to protect our privacy – even as networked…
May 28, 2014
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CCT faculty member Meg Ambrose in the news as expert on historic right-to-be-forgotten case
When the highest court in the European Union handed down a decision that granted EU users the right to request the removal of links pointing to their past from Google’s…
May 22, 2014
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CCT students Lucas Regner and Katie Armstrong accepted for publication
A portion of Lucas Regner‘s thesis research on personalization algorithms on YouTube — and its potential to create far-right and violent content “bubbles”…
May 22, 2014
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CCT to Launch First Online Course this Fall
The Communication, Culture and Technology (CCT) M.A. program is excited to announce the launch of our first online course, CCTP 798 – Key Concepts in Technology and How to…
May 21, 2014