CCTP-6004 E-Portfolios

This is a showcase of the e-portfolios developed in CCTP-6004: Digital Presence and Strategic Persuasion. In this seminar, which presents theories of persuasion and narrative, students use the language of new media to present their academic and professional identit(ies). Each student develops a rich, outward-facing e-portfolio that will reflect their growth, learning, and expertise in unique ways designed to appeal to potential employers and to provide a summative experience of their time in CCT.

Click each student’s name to be taken to the respective student’s online portfolio, which highlights professional and academic work during their CCT tenure.


Paola García Acuna

I’m Paola, a visual artist and designer. I speak best through images, design, and colors. Creativity isn’t just a tool; it’s a lifestyle that drives me to playfully discover new solutions and collaborate with diverse and exciting teams. My approach is defined by sparking ideas, experimentation, and purposeful work. I specialize in turning complex ideas into visual solutions, leveraging technology for creative thinking and community engagement. 

In my free time, I’m a too many hobbies practitioner, an avid museum explorer, and a performing arts enthusiast. 

Let’s create something fun together!


Kate Colwell

Through Georgetown University’s Communications, Culture & Technology Master’s program, I have gained a passion for scenario planning. I enjoy helping organizations design resilient strategies for alternative futures. In my eight years as a communications professional, I have supported mission-driven organizations spanning arts, activism, environmental justice, STEM, and higher education.


Kashir Aboud

Nice to meet you, I’m Kash. I’m a designerbrand managerstorytellerlinguist, and sneakerhead. I have a B.A. in both Spanish and Chinese, which has enabled me to travel, live, and work all over the world. In 2017, I put my jet setting on hold to pursue a Master’s in Communication, Culture, and Technology at Georgetown University. As a recent graduate, I am working as the brand manager for Georgetown’s Hip-Hop Artist in Residence, Marco Pavé .

Shahin Rafikian

My name is Shahin (pronounced shA-Heen), and I’m interested in working as a content creator for technology and media-related industries.

Multidisciplinary forms of thought have been thematic throughout my life. As a graduate student from Georgetown University’s Communication, Culture and Technology program, I’ve learned to bridge the gap between technical and creative writing. I have ample writing experience through my freelance music journalism work to multiple digital media publications such as PAPER Magazine and Georgetown Radio, as well as thorough professional and technical writing experience for bodies of work tailored to specific audiences such as for students at the Georgetown University Law Center, consumers at U Street Music Hall, and artists at TMI Management. I’ve learned how to successfully multitask through, on average, three part-time jobs that varied in industries from education to entertainment. By leveraging social media as a communication tool for success, I’ve successfully grasped how to convey any message to its full advantage.


Tara Jabbari

tara jabbari e-portfolioI am intrigued with the unique qualities of each person. I have told the stories of people escaping persecution and violence, inventors and entrepreneurs in the east and the west, and the influence of youth working on community building all over the world. In my portfolio, learn about my academic research where I specialize in marketing and fandoms in the digital age. I also have a blog about my travels and my reviews on entertainment. I hope this blog helps fellow travelers and those looking for good entertainment.

Lucy Obus

Lucy Obus e-portfolioHi, my name is Lucy: I am a communications strategist, an experiential designer, and an innovative project manager. I am fluent in artist, analyst, organizer, and leader. While I started my career as a young theater director, working with diverse teams to deliver dynamic large-scale projects, I have since translated those strategic creative skills into programming, development, and marketing sectors for nonprofits and enterprise. I love crafting big picture narratives with a critical eye for detail and deadline, balancing ideaphoria with foresight to produce exciting work. I focus on strategic program management and organizational design with an emphasis on experiential engagement and audience driven design. I love when the right and left sides of my brain play tug of war; it’s always a great workout. You’ll want me on your team because I’m a master of many trades: UX/Research, Strategic Writing, Project Management, and Experiential Design, just to name a few. You’ll find these areas of expertise expressed in form and content on my eportfolio, a metarepresentation of my professional foundation. Demonstrable visuals, data-driven metrics, and analytic storytelling are at the heart of my work.

Xinyu Fan

Xinyu Fan e-portfolioI’m Xinyu Fan, a video producer and graphic designer based in Washington DC. Currently pursuing a master’s degree in the Communication, Culture and Technology program at Georgetown University, I’m looking for a career in user interface and user experience. I have 5 years of experience in video production, and over 10 year’s experience in painting. Right now, I’m proficient in Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, Premiere, After Effects, Illustrator, Indesign, and Animate. I’m also a beginning user of , PHP, CSS and HTML. In my spare time, I’m a pianist, painter, and traveler.


Elaine Cai

Born and raised in Beijing, the political center of China, and having a family member working in the Chinese government, I developed my interest and sensitivity towards politics since my early childhood. With strong interest in social and political issues, I finished my undergraduate education in China’s best journalism and communication school—Renmin University of China, and began to do academic research since then. During my graduate study in Georgetown University, Communication, Culture and Technology program, I received strict and rigorous academic training, both in research methods and in knowledge. I’ve done several quantitative political communication research studies with professor Diana Owen here. Some of my papers have gotten published. So I believe the skills I’ve learnt in Georgetown qualify me for many career fields. Curiosity is one of my assets, and it encourages me to dig into a topic deeply and read tirelessly in the library for hours, while perseverance supports me to finish all my research projects. I believe I have important qualities to be a researcher or a journalist: working hard, and having perseverance.

Cecilia Daizovi

I am a proud graduate of Purdue University and current Graduate Student at Georgetown University who is an effective communicator, a detailed strategist, and a experienced analyst.  With media experience as well as experience in academia and in government, my work has allowed me to hone my written and oral communication skills, my data collection and analysis skills, and my organizational and prioritization skills in order to be an efficient leader and team member.

As a person who has always gone above and beyond baseline expectations, I have proven to be a team member who consistently delivers results and a leader who invokes positivity within my team.

Lois Goh

I’m Lois Goh and I feel strongly about content creation and communication strategies. As a graduate student from Georgetown University pursuing an M.A. in Communication, Culture and Technology, I am in the unique position to bridge the gap between theory and praxis. As such, I’m always eager to collaborate with companies to create culturally nuanced content and creative bespoke digital communication strategies.

Sam Redd

Listen. Smell. Touch. Feel. I am interested in technology’s potential to bring the richness of all our senses to what is predominantly visual. From museum installations, to filmography and video games, to interactive devices, I explore how to design more effectively with consideration of the multisensory nature of human experience. In my work with circuitry and sound, I have built electronic devices to assist the blind and autistic, programmed line-following robots, and worked with film-makers, video game developers, and museum installations to augment their work using sound and music.



Alvaro Espiritu Santo Raba

A communications and public relations specialist, I craft messages in a professional setting to help brands and individuals tell their stories.  I am interested in learning about corporate communication, creativity; branding and how people interact with each other in a professional environment.  

Langford Wiggins

Building Bridges is a portfolio by Langford Wiggins. This portfolio illustrates Langford’s ability to establish and maintain relationships with multicultural audiences on behalf of any organization. Langford possesses the skills to communicate across any platform and utilize the media to promote any social movement. 

Laura Patch

As a communications specialist, I focus on digital media in nonprofits and government. The digital space is perfect for issue advocacy and grassroots movements because it allows new audiences to hear messages. I enjoy engaging in the entire communications process from strategic planning and design, to implementation and analysis. I thrive on challenges and new learning opportunities, often taking the initiative to introduce new projects and platforms. In the fast changing media environment, there is always more to learn. My passion for social change guides me, and my expertise is grounded in merging marketing theories with political science and public policy ideas.

Fatima Bahja

As a keen observer of world affairs, I thrive at the intersection between the news media and international politics. I am an aspiring news media professional, driven by a passion to constantly seek the truth and uncover the big picture.

Check out my site to learn more about my work and interests.


Ching Ting

My name is Ching-Ting Chen. I am pursuing a career in Public Relations and Communications in the entertainment industry after graduation from Communication, Culture, and Technology Program at Georgetown University in May 2012.  I have focused my studies on corporate communication, marketing/advertising, and persuasive communication with digital technology. I have participated in several student associations to polish my organization and public speaking skills. My academic work and experiences have allowed me to develop solid skills in communication and managing media relations to be a qualified Public Relation/Communication professional in the rapidly changing business industry.

Wendy Ferguson

Wendy Ferguson is a Brand Design Strategist who engineers timeless consumer experiences. Her classical training in consumer packaged goods marketing combined with her leading-edge, multidisciplinary projects related to the future of marketing give her the keen ability to help clients and consumers excel at the intersection of applied innovation and the shared culture of sustainable brands.   

Andrea Gagliardi

In a constantly changing communication and digital world, it is very important for politicians and government officials to communicate with the American people in the most effective way possible. I currently work as a contractor with the Department of Homeland Security, where I use my communication, writing and organization skills on a daily basis. I am currently working on three projects for a Presidential Advisory Council.  My experiences through coursework at Stonehill College (BA) and Georgetown University (MA), as well as internships with the New York State Senate, U.S. House of Representatives and Targeted Victory, a political campaign digital strategy firm, have prepared me to be a political communicator. After my graduation from Georgetown, I worked in the Online Advertising Department at Targeted Victory, through the 2012 campaign cycle. I am currently looking for new  communication opportunities where I can put my writing and digital skills to use to make a positive difference. I have created this digital portfolio to highlight my skills as a political communicator ranging from academic research papers to political writing samples and multi-media projects. 

Danielle Haigh

 My strengths lie in my ability to manage projects, events and communications across various disciplines. I love working within collaborative teams to solve challenges and I thrive in fast-paced, innovative environments. As you’ll see, I’m fascinated by all things digital media, technology and sustainability related. The goal of this portfolio is to showcase my professional experience and my deep understanding of technology’s impact across society. 

Natalie Thomas

My name is Natalie Thomas and I am a communications specialist who understands the value in incorporating integrated strategies to maximize message exposure. By combining traditional and digital PR techniques, I am determined to reach my target audience through various media outlets.

Yu-wei Wang

A qualified candidate who intends to work in communication industry should have these three core values. My professional and academic experiences prepares me as a Communicator, Hybrid-thinker,Designer, and Writer, which resonates these three values.