Dhriti Gupta

“[CCT] brings together the study of communication, culture and technology in a beautiful interdisciplinary way and unpacks contemporary problems lying at their intersection.

Academic Background: BA in Political Science with a minor in psychology

Area of focus in CCT: Tech policy, information studies, public interest technology

What did you do before CCT? I worked with UNESCO’s New Delhi office as a junior consultant.

What activities do you participate in at CCT? I was a part of the Georgetown Technology Policy Initiative, which is a student organization for technology policy. We worked with the technology focused centers at Georgetown to create unique learning and experiential activities for students – like seminars, hackathons, workshops etc. We also connected with organizations beyond Georgetown!

Why did you choose CCT? The name says it all! It brings together the study of communication, culture and technology in a beautiful interdisciplinary way and unpacks contemporary problems lying at their intersection. Coming from a policy background, I was happy to learn the “tech” part of technology policy at CCT from a policy perspective. I preferred it over a traditional policy or tech degree because it focuses straight at my interest area and the faculty is awesome! They are industry experts, research experts and super friendly and welcoming.

What surprised you about CCT? How truly interdisciplinary it is. I have been in the program only for a few months and I am already amazed at how much one can do with this degree and the courses.

What have you done since CCT?  I am a legal analyst with Discord , where I work alongside the the in-house Legal teams to address and respond to regulatory & litigation matters while developing playbooks and fallback matrices. Also, I am leading the Ideathon initiative with Mccourt’s Tech & Public Policy Program! 

If you would like to read more about Dhriti’s work or connect with her directly, please see her LinkedIn profile.