Erin Moroney
“With CCT, I have the flexibility to mix and match research approaches and disciplines.”

Academic Background: BA in Biology & Minor in Film & Media studies from Colgate University
Area of focus in CCT: Trust and public opinion of news; Sociology of media
What did you do before CCT? I was (and still am!) working full-time at PBS to help public media station staff build their data literacy skills.
What activities do you participate in at CCT? I’m working with Professor Michael Koliska on a paper to conceptualize trust in news from a relationship-based perspective. I’m also working with Professor Diana Owen and some of my CCT peers on a conference paper around misinformation in the civics classroom, stemming from our class research in CCTP-604.
Why did you choose CCT? I wanted to gain a variety of practical research skills to study media usage and public opinion from an interdisciplinary approach. I was also interested in the sociological and cultural components of media studies. With CCT, I have access to all of these perspectives and the flexibility to mix and match research approaches and disciplines.
What surprised you about CCT? I was surprised at how diverse everyone’s research interests and backgrounds were – students and faculty alike. It’s been refreshing to learn from so many different people and be exposed to new ways of thinking.