Siobhan Cooney

“Since coming to CCT I have felt such a genuine embrace from peers not just in my cohort, but in other years.”

Academic Background: BA in English & Communication Studies

Area of focus in CCT: Storytelling in entertainment, cultural arts, and publishing. Plus journalism and multimedia content production!

What did you do before CCT? I work full-time at Georgetown University in the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, & World Affairs while studying at CCT part-time.

What activities do you participate in at CCT? I’m hoping to get more involved with the Global Media Group and the Culture Collective!

Why did you choose CCT? I was drawn to CCT as an interdisciplinary program and for the ability to tailor my course of study to my exact interests.

What surprised you about CCT? The immediate sense of community. Since coming to CCT I have felt such a genuine embrace from peers not just in my cohort, but in other years. The faculty and administrative staff are also wonderfully inviting.