Suzanne Nuyen
“CCT gives me an opportunity to weave all of my research interests together coherently in addition to fostering growth in my career as a journalist.“

Academic Background: BA in Journalism and Psychology, Minors in French and Asian Pacific American Studies
Area of focus in CCT: Cultural Studies, Authenticity and Influencer Marketing
What did you do before CCT? I spent two years as a Digital Content Producer at TEGNA. Now, I work full-time as an Audience Engagement Editor at NPR. I’m also a photographer and recipe developer for my own blog, Bun Bo Bae (
What activities do you participate in at CCT? I’m a board member for the Global Media Group with Professor Michael Macovski. I’ve also presented at Media Fest and host cooking classes for my classmates over Zoom.
Why did you choose CCT? I chose CCT for its interdisciplinary aspect. I studied quite a few different subjects in my undergrad career, and CCT gives me an opportunity to weave all of my research interests together coherently in addition to fostering growth in my career as a journalist.
What surprised you about CCT? I was surprised by how wide-ranging everyone’s research interests are, and how supportive the professors and my fellow classmates are. I’m thrilled with how much personal attention each student gets from the professors. There is so much room for collaboration and experimentation in this program.