Archive: News
282 Articles
- News
CCT student Camille Koue’s thesis idea gets selected for EMBARQ blog
CCT student Camille Koue, recently published a blog about her thesis topic “The unrealized potential of Parklets” for (see link here). In the following…
February 24, 2014
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Professor Nelson Publishes "Six Myths of Innovative Policy"
This summer, The European Institute published CCT Adjunct Professor Mike Nelson’s research addressing the renewed focus on innovation in both the United States and…
February 24, 2014
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CCT Alumna Returns to Speak on Pew Research Center’s Journalism Project
By Emily Martik and Kassie Barroquillo Katerina Matsa, a research analyst for Pew Research Center’s Journalism Project and a CCT alumna, visited with Professor Meltzer&…
February 24, 2014
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Professor Hoffman's latest published work tackles Privacy Wars
Multichannels News recently published, “In Privacy War, Consumers are the Hostages” written by our very own CCT Professor Adonis Hoffman. Read the full…
February 24, 2014
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CCT introduces our new Technology Design Studio (TDS)
The Technology Design Studio (TDS) is a place where CCT students and faculty work together to merge theory with practice. In recognizing design as the most important liberal art…
February 24, 2014
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CCT Academic Workshops
CCT is happy to present our Fall Academic Workshops. If you’re considering writing a CCT master’s thesis, applying to PhD programs, and/or applying to academic…
February 24, 2014
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2013 Fall CCT Career Workshop Series
Join us this fall for a our CCT Career Workshop Series. These career workshops will include everything from creating a career plan and your professional pitch, to customizing…
February 24, 2014
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CCT Races for the Cure!
A team of CCT students and faculty, along with family and friends, participated in the 2013 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure on Saturday, May 11, 2013. The team was led…
February 24, 2014
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CCT '08 alumni, Jason Langsner to be Interviewed for Comcast TV Show
CCT alum Jason Langsner, class of 2008, was recently a featured panelist on Comcast’s Philly in Focus TV show “HD with Lauren DeLisa” where he joined in an…
February 24, 2014
- News
Current CCT Student Interviewed by NPR regarding Wikimedia
Current CCT student Jeremy Pesner, recently attended the DC chapter of the Great American Wicnic – a potluck organized by Wikimedia chapters throughout the world. During…
February 24, 2014