Archive: Announcements

  • CCT Feature on Visiting Researcher José Manuel Noguera-Vivo

    Today CCT is featuring Visiting Researcher José Manuel Noguera-Vivo. José Manuel is an Associate Professor of Journalism and Head of Research for the Faculty of Communication at Catholic Universi

    Category: Announcements

  • CCT Professor Highlight: Evan Barba

    CCT is excited to highlight Professor Evan Barba in honor of Programmer’s Day!  Professor Barba has a diverse background that covers many fields. He originally started out attending undergrad

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  • CCT Professor Highlight: Michael Macovski

    CCT is excited to highlight Professor Michael Macovski, who has been with the program for 17 years! Professor Macovski attended UC Berkeley as an undergrad and studied in England under the nov

    Category: Announcements

  • CCT Orientation 2023

    We are one week into classes and wanted to look back at last week’s new student orientation to share more about how incoming CCTers were welcomed into the program! Orientation started bright a

    Category: Announcements

  • CCT Professor Highlight: Dr. Leticia Bode

    CCT is excited to highlight Professor Leticia Bode and congratulate her on the recent announcement of her Full Professorship position at Georgetown University. Professor Bode has been at CCT s

    Category: Announcements

  • National Intern Day: CCT Summer Internships

    Happy National Intern Day!                                                                                                                           In honor of today, we want to showcase the vari

    Category: Announcements

  • CCT Alumni Highlight: Shavini Fernando

    CCT Congratulates alum Shavini Fernando (CCT ’18) on winning first place at the 2023 GEA Pitch Competition! In honor of winning this prestigious award, Shavini shared more about her background, h

    Category: Announcements

  • CCT Professor Highlight: William Vogt

    Today CCT is excited to highlight Professor William Vogt’s professional background, academic research, and interests! Professor Vogt is the recently published author of “Foundations of the Chi

    Category: Announcements

  • CCT 2023 Ideathon

    CCT is excited to feature students Mac Milin Kiran, Dhriti Gupta and Zach Ferry along with CCT Professor Leticia Bode, who were part of the first Ideathon organized by the Georgetown Technology P

    Category: Announcements

  • CCT Alumni Highlight: Bill Kirst

    CCT is excited to feature alum Bill Kirst (CCT ’04) in our latest alumni highlight! Although it has been nearly two decades since he graduated from the CCT program, Bill spoke highly of his ti

    Category: Announcements